8 thoughts on “Hello world!

  1. A recent article in the journal Nature suggests that “Dark Matter” may in fact have a very small charge which may be responsible for the so-far unexplained uneven distribution of dark matter in our universe. Whether caused by electromagnetic forces or gravitational forces this distribution of dark matter is a topic still open to conjecture. If there is an alternate antimatter universe coupled to our matter universe, would it also contain dark antimatter and would there be quantum coupling between matter in our universe and antimatter in the companion antimatter universe?

  2. This article contains some interesting speculations about what happened to all the antimatter after the Big Bang. I think the idea that it is still here in antimatter galaxies, but somehow separated in space from our matter galaxies is a good one. Or it could be in another antimatter universe separated by dimension from our matter universe.


  3. Israeli scientists have suggested that too much emphasis has been placed on atmospheric carbon dioxide as the main cause of global warming. Their arguments are quite persuasive. See an article by Doron Levin first published by Forbes magazine and then removed as not meeting the magazine’s editorial standards, i.e. not supporting their political position on global warming at:


    I think we should be able to think for ourselves. Anyway it is worth a read. Censorship has no place in an informed world.

  4. The increase in entropy in all spontaneous processes or energy transactions is what drives “time’s arrow,” i.e., its irreversibly and its inevitable progression into the future. This article claims that a time reversal has been demonstrated in the laboratory.


    If my thesis of entropy conservation in the universe is correct then there should be regions of the universe where entropy as well as time are indeed reversed, in order to counterbalance the entropy and time increases which are observed in other regions of the universe.

  5. The following article is an interesting commentary on the importance of thermodynamics in the structure of the universe:


    As I mention in the essays on this website, thermodynamics has been underrated by astronomers and physicists who study the cosmos. Claude Shannon’s linkage of negentropy with information has also not been adequately developed for explaining the theory and structure of the Universe.

  6. This article contains some interesting speculations about where black holes lead. It even summarizes some of the theories about coupling between black- and white-holes through “worm-holes” in hyperspace. I have proposed on this website that funneling of matter and energy through these black-white hole portals is also accompanied by a reversal of entropy in the energy quanta which pass through these portals.


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