Parallel Universes

In my essay “Gravity, Negentropy and Life” I develop a theory of entropy conservation in the universe based on the recycling of spent photons and disorganized matter with high entropy content into high frequency/high energy photons, with low entropy, capable of sustaining a life giving negentropy cascade. The energy (E) of a photon is directly proportional to its frequency as described by the equation (E = h x ν) where (h) is Planck’s constant and (ν) is the frequency. The mechanism by which the reversal of entropy in the universe is achieved is not well understood. I have suggested that waste photons and waste matter are sucked into black-holes by intense gravitational fields which are so strong that they distort space. This intense gravity forms conduits or worm-holes through hyperspace connecting the black-holes to the interior of stars where this “gravitational fuel” is transformed into high energy/low entropy photons. This high value energy is then radiated back into space where it sustains life. At the end of the photon cascade the cycle begins anew with the spent photon once again being ingested by a black-hole. This cycle resembles a cosmic hot-air furnace where the black-hole represents the cold-air return and the star represents the combustion chamber which warms the air. It is a cyclical, dynamic and perpetual process in which entropy or negentropy is conserved.

In his book “A Brief History of Time” Stephen Hawking, one of the discoverers of black holes and a believer in the big-bang theory and an expanding universe, wrestles with the fact that black-holes appear to violate the Second Law of Thermodynamics by swallowing up and removing from our universe high entropy photons and highly disorganized matter. This has the apparent effect of spontaneously decreasing the overall entropy of the universe, even in the presence of an overall expansion, a clear violation of the Second Law. He has developed mathematical models to explain that a spinning black-hole is able to generate high energy/low entropy photons around  its mouth or event horizon but this clearly is not a satisfying explanation. A more elegant explanation is that the black-hole actually produces high energy/low entropy photons, reversing their entropy, by means of gravitational recycling through luminous stars. While this process does not require a parallel universe to accomplish this feat it does require extra dimensional pathways linking different parts of the same universe outside of  its ordinary three dimensional space. Another possible and philosophically more pleasing model uses two parallel but interconnected universes, one made up of ordinary matter and the second of anti-matter. This model has the advantage of explaining other unanswered questions in the universe such as:

(1) What happened to all the anti-matter after the “big bang;”

(2) Why don’t the stars run out of fusion fuel; and

(3) Why is there so much dark matter unaccounted for in the universe?

In this model I postulate that sometime after “creation,” when there was only pure electromagnetic energy, the extremely high energy photons, with very high frequency, began to undergo a process known as pair production, in which very high energy photons spontaneously transform into pairs of particles of combined mass approximately equal to the photon’s energy (E) which is calculated by the formula (E = m x c x c) where (m) is the combined mass of the generated particles and (c) is the speed of light. Examples include the formation of an electron and a positron or a proton and an anti-proton. Matter is constructed of atoms and atoms are made up of sub-atomic particles such as protons and electrons. Louis de Broglie first explained the dual nature of these sub-atomic particles by postulating that an electron is really just condensed electromagnetic energy. It is a circular standing wave in sub-atomic space with a dimension determined by the electron’s mass. The mass translates into energy and this energy can be converted into frequency. From its frequency one can calculate the de Broglie wavelength of an electron and the electron’s size can be determined as the smallest possible space in which a circular standing wave of that wavelength can exist. The same calculation can be done for all particles if their masses are known.

Initially the kinetic energy of creation propelled the particles apart but eventually gravity and anti-gravity forces took over and collected like particles into like universe spaces. Natural gravity only attracts natural matter and anti-gravity only attracts anti-matter. Also natural gravity repels anti-matter and anti-gravity repels natural matter. This causes the two universes of particles and anti-particles to collect into different cosmic spaces but the two complementary universes still retain connections through the black-hole/star gravitational conduits. One might think that the matter and anti-matter in the two universes would undergo complete gravitational collapse but there are various factors at play to prevent this outcome. Freeman Dyson helps us to understand the time delays preventing total gravitational collapse.  He lists three checks which prevent runaway gravitational collapse. He calls them the distance, spin and nuclear hang-ups. The size hang-up results from the immense distances in space and the wide dispersal of mass, resulting in very weak gravitational fields between stellar bodies. The spin hang-up opposes gravitational collapse by counterbalancing gravitational attraction with centrifugal force.  The nuclear hang-up occurs when gravitational collapse has proceeded to a point where the gravitational field is strong enough to create the intense pressures needed to sustain the burning of hydrogen to helium.  The heat produced by these nuclear fusion reactions must be dissipated outward consequently forcing the solar mass apart. Not until all the nuclear fuel is consumed can the process of collapse continue.

In this model the waste material in the natural universe is captured by a natural black-hole and funneled into a connecting worm-hole which terminates in the interior of an anti-star in the anti-matter universe where it is transformed into high energy/low entropy photons which are radiated into the anti-matter space where they undergo a negentropy cascade imparting life to the anti-matter inhabitants of the anti-matter universe. Eventually these photons and anti-matter become so disorganized that they are sucked into an anti-black-hole where they are conducted by anti-gravity into a star in our universe. There the disorganized anti-matter interacts with disorganized natural matter and through the process of matter-antimatter pair-annihilation the matter and anti-matter disappear producing tremendous quantities of high quality energy. This energy is then radiated from our star creating yet another negentropy cascade which gives life to our planet. This mechanism does not require, but also does not exclude nuclear fusion processes to account for the energy output of our stars. I speculate that a worm-hole, conducting disorganized matter and photons from a black-hole in our universe, intersects with a corresponding anti-worm-hole from the anti-matter universe, bringing together  disorganized anti-matter, matter and photons from both universes. (At present, it is unclear to me whether photons are the same in both the anti-matter and the matter universes.) This collision occurs somewhere in hyperspace and the combined contents of the two streams erupt energetically into one or the other universe creating either a star or an anti-star. The colliding worm-holes could even bifurcate in hyperspace and emerge as two radiating bodies, one a star in our universe and the other an anti-star in the anti-universe.

In a cyclical universe like the one described here, where photons are continually being recharged with negentropy and re-radiated back into space  there is a balance between the tendency of light to expand and matter to contract. Matter and anti-matter are continually converted into energy. Thus the expansive force of light counter-balances the attractive force of gravity and together these two forces create a steady-state equilibrium which results in a natural universe and an anti-universe of constant size. There must also be a mechanism somewhere in the cosmos for converting energy back into matter and anti-matter so that the relative amounts of matter, anti-matter and energy remain the same. This process must also be driven by intense gravitation and anti-gravitation fields which could possibly be created by super-massive black-holes which terminate in massive mega-stars or even super-novae.

This model solves many problems in interpreting our universe. It explains where all the anti-matter went. It explains why the sun doesn’t run out of nuclear fuel. It explains the mystery of the dark matter which may be at the core of both universes producing the intense gravitational fields which reverse entropy. It reconciles the asymmetry of the Second Law of Thermodynamics and allows it to become a cosmic conservation law along with the other important physical laws in the universe. It removes the necessity of invoking an expanding universe to account for the Second Law.  It postulates a self contained cyclical universe where everything is recycled and is perpetually in motion. It explains the mystery of life in terms of organizational potential or negentropy. And it explains the origin of  information, intelligence, beauty, order, symmetry, balance and life in terms of a negentropy/energy duality. If this duality is cast in terms of the intensive/extensive (qualitative/quantitative) factors by which all forms of work are measured then negentropy can be considered to be the qualitative or intensive factor and energy the quantitative or extensive factor. The product of these two factors is the total work, organizational potential or free energy of the system and accounts for its ability to sustain order and life. If one redefines the (negentropy/energy) duality  in terms of a (truth/light) duality then information, intelligence, beauty, order, symmetry, balance and life can be considered to be manifestations of both truth and light which are widely considered to be essential attributes of God.

Actually, it is difficult to reconcile Edwin Hubble’s expansion theory of the Universe, with Albert Einstein’s Theory of Relativity. Einstein suggests that the speed of light is a universal constant and its measurement is independent of the relative motions of the emitter and the observer. Hubble suggests that the observed red-shift of interstellar photons is the result of a Doppler effect caused by light emitting bodies (stars) which are rapidly receding from an observer on Earth. The Doppler effect, which was first observed with sound waves, depends on the relative motions of the sound emitter and the sound observer and the frequency shift is related to the speed of the emitter and the speed of sound. The Doppler effect is also important for the proper functioning of radio frequency ranging (RADAR) and the operation of global positioning systems (GPS).  In all of these systems the speeds of the objects are relative modest. For light the speeds of the objects must be very much greater to show any effect. I believe that because the speed of objects must be so great to produce such extreme Doppler effects as the observed galactic red-shift, this explanation is unlikely to be the correct one. I would suggest, instead, that the observed cosmic red-shift, which has been attributed to universe expansion, is not a Doppler effect at all but may instead be a gravitational red-shift due to the curvature or space; or may be the result of light scattering by interstellar dust; or may be nothing more than the fluorescence red-shift which happens every time a photon interacts with matter and then re-radiates a new photon with a longer wavelength, i.e., a red-shifted, lower frequency, higher entropy photon.