Category Archives: Uncategorized

Origin of Earth’s Magnetic Field.

Interesting article on the source of the Earth’s magnetic field in the core. Radiation from the sun interacts with the magnetic field to produce oscillating electrons from pole to pole which induce an oscillating electric current in the core which heats it to melting temperatures except for the inner core which is semi-solid because of the extreme pressures.

Acid Rain Falling on Limestone Releases CO2 to the Atmosphere.

Carbon bearing rocks release as much CO2 to the atmosphere as volcanos.

Interesting Article on Dark Matter.

This article contains an interesting article on dark matter in the interior of stars. This concept might explain how energy can be recycled in the universe through entry into black holes where the intense gravitational fields convert high entropy waste energy (low energy photons and particles) into dark energy and matter and then deposit that dark matter into the interior of stars where it gradually escapes as high energy (low entropy) photons and reverses entropy in the cosmos.

Underwater Volcanos Contribute to Global Warming

New information from NASA implicates underwater volcanos in heat retention by the atmosphere.

Marine Diatoms help Regulate Atmospheric CO2.

Some species of marine diatoms (single cell, free floating, ocean autotrophic organisms) produce as much as 40% of the earth’s total atmospheric oxygen (O2) while at the same time consuming atmospheric carbon-dioxide (CO2). Atmospheric CO2 becomes dissolved in the ocean waters and these marine diatoms use it, plus sunlight as an energy source, to reduce carbon to produce organic foodstuffs and O2 through photosynthesis alone. Luckily, these diatoms adapt to produce more O2 (at a lower photonic energy consumption) as the CO2 in the atmosphere increases. This has the opposite effect from that of burning fossil fuels and helps to effect a counterbalance to the human burning of carbon fuels. Such an effect has not been heretofore considered in projections of global warming; and this omission may represent a major miscalculation in long term global temperature rise due to a projected atmospheric CO2 accumulation.,recycle%20gases%20enveloping%20our%20planet

Interesting Article on Gravitational Waves.

This article on gravitational waves presents some new avenues for exploring the cosmos. Because these waves have a wavelength they must also have a frequency; and because they have have a frequency they they must also contain energy. If they have an energy and also an entropy; then they must contain information, or in other words – negentropy. This opens a whole new possible field of exploration into cosmic energy/entropy transductions and the reversal of entropy in the universe through gravitational fields. Energy transactions involving a gravitational potential, i.e. hydropower, are known to be highly efficient, i.e. low in entropy. Perhaps gravitational waves inside a black hole channel have a short wavelength, i.e. high frequency, and therefore have high energy and low entropy. In contrast to gravitational waves in our universe which can be detected as expansions in space-time, it is possible that gravitational waves inside a black-hole corridor actually represent the opposite condition, a compression/contraction in space-time. This could explain how photons traveling through this corridor could increase in energy, and decrease in entropy. If this is the case, then these waves must also contain information/negentropy which is a prerequisite for life.