
Traditional views of the universe have been widely accepted by the lay public and have achieved the status of dogma, i.e., they have been generally accepted by the majority as true and yet may not actually be true. This site presents arguments for alternate views and theories, which also may or may not be true, but in many ways help to explain the dynamics in the cosmos in a way more harmonious with the rest of nature and more satisfying from both intellectual and beauty perspectives.

I wrote the core essay “Gravity, Negentropy and Life” in 1987 based on my musings about the source of and driving force for life in the universe. Since I first read Erwin Schroedinger’s short monograph “What is Life,” in the early 1970s, I have been trying to wrap my head around that question and that book has profoundly affected my thinking on the subject. By training I am a physical biochemist with a background in thermodynamics and bioenergetics. I approach the subject of cosmic energy flow from that perspective. Describing the universe in detail is a complicated undertaking and I don’t pretend to do that or even to understand it completely. I do think that viewing the universe from the point of view of a biologist rather than that of a physicist can help to illuminate the discussion of the universe and our place in it.

I have added a section on global warming and possible mechanisms for heating the earth’s core. I discuss the role of the Solar wind and sunspot activity and how those changes can affect the earth’s climate. I also propose a speculative theory describing a dual, symbiotic amalgamation of two cooperating universes, one made up of matter the other of antimatter, and the connections between them through a myriad of channels or wormholes through hyperspace. These portals between the universes shuttle matter and energy back and forth and in the process reverse the entropy content of the energy through the power of intense gravitational fields. This cosmic cycle results in a gigantic perpetual motion machine which restores negentropy to spent photons which are then re-radiated from stars in order to sustain life in the universe.

In addition to the Blog page attached to this webpage a contact email address is: info@cosmicenergycycle.org.